A new Test Iowa clinic site is scheduled to open in Story County on Monday, August 31, 2020. 

The Story County Drive-thru Test Clinic will be located at the Iowa State University Research Center, 2503 South Loop Drive in Ames, and operated by Mary Greeley Medical Center. The site will be open for testing weekly on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 12:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. 

Individuals who wish to be tested at the site must first complete an online assessment at testiowa.com, and then call 800-866-3492 to schedule an appointment. 

Clinic sites are partnerships between the State of Iowa and local health care providers to increase access to testing in their communities. Clinics operate and staff the test sites. The state provides testing supplies and processes the samples through the State Hygienic Lab.

Test Iowa is a statewide initiative to expand COVID-19 testing. Locations and hours of operation for all test sites can be found at testiowa.com or coronavirus.iowa.gov.