Gov. Kim Reynolds is encouraging Iowans to make nominations for the Seventh Annual Iowa Job Honor Awards, which recognizes individuals who overcome significant barriers to employment to build a better life as well as the employers who hire them.

“Resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity is part of who we are as Iowans,” Gov. Reynolds said. “Whether it’s overcoming a criminal record, not speaking English, a disability or another barrier to getting a job, the Iowa Job Honors Awards highlights those amazing stories of determination and accomplishment to better one’s life. They also do an incredible job highlighting the employers who see the potential in people by creating opportunities for those who have worked hard to overcome barriers to success.” 

The Iowa Job Honor Awards is focused on what they call the “Great Untapped Workforce,” or the millions of working age adults who do not participate in the workforce due to barriers such as a criminal record, disability, drug and alcohol addiction, immigration challenges, homelessness, illiteracy, a background of poverty, or others. 

The nationally-recognized awards will hold their annual event in December. Due to COVID-19, it will be held online. Nominations are due September 30 and can be submitted at Previous year’s honorees can also be viewed at the website.