Iowa is an energy leader. We rank number one in the United States for electricity produced by renewable generation. We rank in the top 10 for grid reliability and lowest average electricity price. Our energy mix and reliability are among the best in the country, but as technology evolves and the demand on energy increases, Governor Reynolds is committed to a forward-focused, all-of-the-above energy strategy that serves to keep consumer prices low and position Iowa for future growth.

- A Nuclear Energy Task Force via Executive Order to make recommendations for how we can move forward with nuclear energy in Iowa
- Adding economic development as a factor for consideration during IUC proceedings reviewing electric service territories
- Establishing a flexible rates tool to provide electric utility companies the additional ability to attract new, large energy-using customers
- Ensuring rate-regulated electric utilities file a non-contested integrated resource plan (IRP) with the IUC once every five years and as a requirement for advanced ratemaking proceedings
- Creating a partnership between IUC and ISU to conduct transparent, independent load forecasting and energy assessments for electric infrastructure planning in Iowa
- Giving clear authority to the Iowa DNR to permit on-farm and near-farm anaerobic digesters that utilize manure and other approved feedstocks to further support Iowa’s bioeconomy
- Granting the incumbent utility the Right of First Refusal (ROFR) on new electric transmission line infrastructure projects and requiring landowner protections
- Modernize the existing Energy Infrastructure Revolving Loan Program at IEDA
- Reallocating existing federal tax-exempt bond capacity for energy and water infrastructure
The Governor will establish a Nuclear Energy Task Force via Executive Order to examine and support the potential of nuclear energy in Iowa as a means of expanding Iowa’s energy generation portfolio. The Governor also proposes to update the Iowa Energy Plan to account for nuclear energy expansion.
Economic Development
Governor Reynolds continues to make Iowa one of the most business-friendly states in the country. To that end, the Governor proposes adding economic development as a factor of consideration during the Iowa Utilities Commission (IUC) proceedings related to electric utility service territory contract reviews. She also proposes to establish a flexible rates tool to provide utility companies the additional ability to attract new, large energy-using customers.
Infrastructure Fund
The Governor proposes to modernize the existing Energy Infrastructure Revolving Loan Program at IEDA. Iowa businesses, municipalities, and port authorities will be able to access low interest loans for critical energy and water-related infrastructure projects that are tied to economic development.
As we look to the future, Iowa must take a comprehensive approach in evaluating what energy sources will be needed for anticipated growth and demand. The Governor’s proposal would ensure rate-regulated electric utilities file a non-contested integrated resource plan (IRP) with the IUC once every five years and as a requirement for advanced ratemaking proceedings.
The proposal also expands what generating assets are eligible for advanced ratemaking proceedings at the IUC to encourage new technologies, like natural gas peaking plants, and support all-of-the above energy solutions.
Anaerobic Digestion
Bioenergy has always been an important aspect of Iowa’s energy portfolio. As a productive agriculture state, Iowa has great potential to further benefit from the value-added process of on-farm and municipal anaerobic digestion. Governor Reynolds proposes to provide clear authority to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to permit on-farm and near-farm anaerobic digesters that utilize manure and other approved feedstocks to further support Iowa’s bioeconomy.
Forecasting and Planning Collaboration with ISU
The IUC will partner with ISU to conduct transparent, independent load forecasting and energy assessments for electric infrastructure planning in Iowa. ISU will generate reports to support economic development and IUC decision-making by evaluating the adequacy and reliability of Iowa’s future electricity supply.
Governor Reynolds’ proposal would grant the incumbent utility the Right of First Refusal on new electric transmission line infrastructure projects and ensure that those lines are constructed in a timely manner. Her proposal would also include land restoration standards to protect landowners' property during construction and maintenance.